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What is 5th Year?

Connecting Young
Adults With Local

Our History

5th Year is committed to
helping young adults
define their path and
lead successful lives.

Junior Achievement of Northwestern Ohio has built a reputation for educating young people in entrepreneurship, financial independence and career readiness for more than eight decades.

Now, we’re focused on a larger economic crisis. Far too many students graduate from high school without a clear path forward while companies struggle to find in-demand talent.

We made a strategic shift to focus our efforts and resources on addressing challenges that affect the labor pool and businesses by developing the talent marketplace. A community thrives when its members have opportunities to align their interests with local industries.

We strive to support a generation of young adults who can rise above their circumstances to achieve career fulfillment and financial independence.

Our Mission


Developing regional talent with specialized skills.

2 people looking at a computer monitor

Our Mission


Pairing student interests with compatible work environments.

Woman smiling holding a paper binder

Our Mission


Creating opportunities to support successful employment.

Man smiling shaking hands with someone at a desk

Defining A
Unique Path
For Each

5th Year is an innovative Junior Achievement program that cultivates talent for employers in Northwest Ohio by aligning student interests and abilities with in-demand careers and local job opportunities.

Our program is geared toward recent high school graduates and promotes early career development to expand professional experiences.

Young adults will live on a campus for nine months and participate in professional experiences, including:

  • Internships
  • Job-shadowing
  • Career coaching
  • Financial education
  • Soft skills
  • Career readiness training
  • Certifications
  • Community involvement

Students will receive career guidance and the chance to form professional connections so they can make informed decisions about their future.

Community Impact

Making A
Difference In

Before you can create solutions, you must understand the obstacles to success. President Jim Pollock highlights how 5th Year provides the time and space for students to gain valuable experience.


The Team

Drag Below To Interact

Jim Pollock

Jim Pollock


Contact Jim Pollock
Office: 419-865-5511 x101

Erica Fischbach

Erica Fischbach

Career Discovery Director

Contact Erica Fischbach
Office: 419-865-5511 x102

Julia Simon

Julia Simon

Event & Marketing Manager

Contact Julia Simon
Office: 419-865-5511 x103

Kristian Vander Putten

Operations Manager

Contact Kristian Vander Putten
Office: 419-865-5511 x105

Sabrina Martinez

Event and Marketing Coordinator

Contact Sabrina Martinez
Office: 419-865-5511 x106

A group of passionate
individuals committed
to creating impactful

Our team was built around the goal of helping young adults prepare for their future. Each person brings a unique perspective and a variety of experiences to help 5th Year students become the best version of themselves.


Join A Network
Of Leaders

We rely on local and regional businesses, companies and organizations to help us help young adults in Northwest Ohio. That means we’re always looking to build relationships and meet new people to support our mission. Partnering with 5th Year also gives you access to talented individuals who want to join the workforce.

Connect Your Business with Regional Talent

Find passionate young adults with experience and enthusiasm to join your team.

Create your future

Discover opportunities to learn life and career skills to help you pursue your dreams.

Whether you have an
idea or a dream, we can
help you make it a reality.