Business Impact
Invest in the
present to improve
the future

Discover how you can
boost your community
and local economy.
You have the potential to build a better tomorrow for the young adults in Northwest Ohio. Joining forces with 5th Year allows you to have a hand in the development of the regional workforce and improve the local economy. You’ll also be able to source top talent and form relationships with young professionals. Mentorship can bring a new sense of purpose to your team and enhance their career satisfaction, too.
Praise For 5th Year
Swipe Below To Interact

5th Year’s philosophy
will have an enormous impact
on a student’s ability
to be successful.”

Success looks like
kids who know
themselves better.”

I would like to see
students realize
what they want to do
without spending
a ton of money
getting there.”
How can my company support 5th Year?
We’ll require active participation from area businesses as we create a talent ecosystem to support the growth and needs of our local economy. Partnerships will evolve with the program, and we’re looking for businesses to provide:
- Paid, semester-long, work-based experiences
- Job site visits
- Strategically aligned program naming opportunities
- Career coaching
- Investors
Who should I contact to talk to about partnering with 5th Year?
Please email Ericca Ross or call her at 419.327.0815.